16 February 2025 Altar Notices 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The collection last Sunday amounted to €3,635. The Sunday Collection is taken up in the church porches on entry to and exit from Mass. Many thanks for your great generosity and your use of the parish envelope. A user-friendly Tap to Donate card machine is available at the entrances of both churches.
OLLC Only No Eucharistic Adoration in Our Lady of Lourdes Church today, Sunday.
Family Mass takes place in Our Lady of Lourdes Church on the last Sunday of the month which is next Sunday 23 February, 10.30am.
The monthly Mass in honour of St Oliver Plunkett will be celebrated next Saturday in St Peter’s at 6.15pm.
A beautiful colour Commemorative Book was launched on Wednesday to mark St Oliver Plunkett 400. Articles from many distinguished contributors include those on the life of Saint Oliver, his trial, genealogy, key people, and significant places associated with the Saint, 17th century Drogheda, and memories of the 1975 canonisation. The book retails at €5 and is available in St Peter’s Church shop. We hope to make it available after weekend Masses in the near future. A wonderfully crafted lapel pin badge, specially commissioned to mark the 400th anniversary, is also available in St Peter’s Church shop costing €5.
St Oliver Jubilee Walk commences at 2.30pm next Saturday, 22nd February, feast of the Chair of St Peter, at the house where St. Oliver resided at Doctor’s Quarters, South Armagh, to Lislea Church for Vespers at 5.00pm
There is a second envelope this weekend, 16 February, for the national services offered by the Irish Bishops’ Conference, which include: Pastoral Renewal and Youth Ministry; Catholic Education; Marriage, Family, Migrants & Pastoral Care; National Safeguarding of Children; Communications; Worship & Faith Development; Drugs Initiative; support for Irish prisoners overseas.
The priests of the parish are grateful for your support and thank you for the Spring Dues which are being collected from now to St Patrick’s weekend. Many thanks to our loyal Dues Collectors. Dues envelopes also available in both churches.
Newsletter is available at the back of the church. Also see parish website, Facebook, X and Instagram.